Certified to Preserve Your Wine: Wineemotion Wine Dispensing Systems

Several months ago, Wineemotion USA installed one CINQUE refrigerated unit at the Napa Valley Wine Academy. After rigorous testing and experimentation we checked up with Chief Education Officer Christian Oggenfuss.
It was a pleasure catching up with the WSET certified educator and wine aficionado. His insight and comments were very much appreciated. "The system is working GREAT," he commented. "The students are really engaging in it and we are getting very positive feedback." ...Which is very good feedback for Wineemotion as well.
He went on to elaborate on the quality of the preservation, specifically how the wine holds its flavor, color and aroma after extended periods of time. He also mentioned that how the precise pour control features were a superb remedy for today's common issues of over pouring and theft by staff.
It's important for a wine bar, restaurant, lounge, etc. to utilize every feature the system has to offer in order to maximize its value. One feature growing in popularity is the half glass feature. More and more wine lovers are ordering Flights to enhance their wine tasting experience. With the three variable pour amounts, restaurants, wine bar, tasting rooms, etc. can program the half glass for 2 oz. (any volume can be set from .5 oz to 8 oz for each pour button) and offer 3 glass Flights for the equivalent of one 6 oz. full glass.
The WSET certified wine academy isn't just using the system for its students. The system has been used for many fundraising and social events put on by the school. One could imagine, the Wineemotion system was put to the test with a crowd invited by one of California's most prestigious wine academies. Needless to say, there have been a lot of sophisticated pallets testing the system's preservation features.
Wineemotion is proud to receive a certification of preservation and quality from one of the Country's most highly regarded wine professional schools. The people involved are today's and the future's wine industry leaders.
Wineemotion wine dispensing systems are the leader in wine dispensing and preservation technology. Wineemotion is exclusively distributed throughout the United States by Rinaldini Distribution, Inc. importer of fine Italian products since 2003.